'NEVOA-AI': AI for brain implants and wearable devices

NEVOA-AI is an artificial intelligence (AI) that is specifically made for real time brain monitoring. It runs on small ultra-low-power processors and is able to predict and potentially prevent brain-related catastrophes before happening.

Epilepsy is one of the biggest neurological disorders. It is characterized by an abnormal spread of electrical activity in the brain which causes seizures. Seizures can occur suddenly, at any time of day or night, and represent a dangerous, potentially life-threatening incident.

Million people with epilepsy
0 +
Higher risk of premature death
0 x
Don't react to medication
0 %
Have at least one seizure a month
0 %

Meet 'NEVOA-E': seizure prediction device

An easy to wear medical patch that continuously monitors the brain and alerts the patient before seizures occur. With the right measures seizures can be prevented from happening.

Advancing healthcare together

Join us on our mission to alleviate the burden of epilepsy and prevent seizures from happening.
Scientists and clinicians we work with come from:

Supported by

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and works at the instigation of ministries and the European Union. It improves opportunities for entrepreneurs and strengthen their position, and provides financial support.

European Innovation Council (EIC) Pathfinder Open

With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs. Pathfinder goes beyond what is already known. Visionary thinking can open up promising avenues towards powerful new technologies.

CrosssCare 2.0

The CrossCare project stimulates, supports and accelerates innovations in healthcare. CrossCare contributes to the development and implementation of healthcare innovations (product, service, concept) by offering a healthcare testing ground setting and has a fund with which innovation projects can be supported.

MIT Zuid

The MIT Zuid includes a set of two financial instruments to stimulate the first phases of innovation for SMEs. These successively concern projects aimed at: Executing a Feasibility Project Conducting an R&D collaborative research and development project Projects must fit within at least one of the missions or Key Technologies chosen in the Knowledge and Innovation Agendas of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK).


ZonMw is the Dutch organization for health research and care innovation. ZonMw finances health research and encourages the use of the knowledge developed in order to improve health care and health.


Top Sector Life Sciences & Health: for vital citizens in a healthy economy Contributing to global societal challenges The Dutch Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector is one of ten “top sectors” in the Netherlands and part of the Dutch government’s Mission-driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy. The top sectors are designated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and are selected on their ability to contribute substantially to global societal challenges.